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I was born in Montgomery, Alabama, and grew up in McKinney, Texas. I committed my time to soccer and school, the two activities I enjoyed most where I met my best friends. Summers in Texas were always magical, where my mother taught me only boring people get bored. I entertained myself with crafts, music, and the outdoors. We traveled a lot out west growing up. Towns inside of Oregon, Utah, California, New Mexico, and more are carved into my memory. I believe having such fond memories of these places from when I was young must be the reason I am still so enamored by the West. Mckinney was home, but as I grew older it became a city that lacked curiosity. I was sixteen in a concrete desert when Mckinney itself became a place of living that seemed stale and weathered. Growing up, life is full of color, but the colors of life change and dull as years pass. My childhood room was painted a soft light blue, with sheer white curtains that made it impossible to sleep past noon. The rooms change just as colors do. In the middle of my Junior year of high school, my family and I packed up and headed to Alabama where the life I am surrounded with now began to fall into motion. 


I escaped from dulling colors and revived them with guitar, piano and lyrics that seemed to pour straight from my soul. The rest of my high school experience slipped through my fingers as COVID-19 put a pause on life. I hated how I was held back from the new life I was trying to build, but I loved the stillness it brought. The time I was given to think fueled my creative fire. Time passed, and change came once again. Graduation brought me to college, where I chose to follow in the footsteps of my family and attend Auburn University. 


Going into your freshman year of college, people will try and warn you that it’s a hard time to adjust. I didn’t believe them because I was so ready to be out of the house and make my own decisions. It wasn't being away from home or away from parents that made it hard for me. It was venturing into who I was without everything and everyone I was used to having around. I watched as people found their niches and people who made them happy. I made friends, too, but I missed my old life and became trapped inside my own head. I continued to write songs that embodied my current state of mind and began to dive into the world of journalism. 


The Summer of 2023 felt how it did as a kid. I was filled with nostalgia the day I went over to my friend's house and got inside a little red convertible, the same car my grandmother had when I was young. The smell of humid Alabama air and the inside of that red car reminded me of summers in Alabama as a kid. I would visit my grandparents, and I was happy. I would be devastated when we left and watched the house and the three figures standing in front grow smaller through water eyes. 


I am currently finishing the fall semester of my Junior year of college and feel as if I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I am working on recording my first album, have a job at a local coffee shop as a barista, and am taking classes that feed my motivation for what I want to do and who I want to become. I have aspirations to graduate and become a successful fashion journalist and musician. I am confident and comfortable in my mind and body. I am surrounded by love, life, and inspiration. I am inside a new room with new colors and am prepared for the eternal change that is to come.




-avery welch

In Wyoming, there is a trail in the Yellowstone National Park called Artist Paint Pots Trail. It has earthly colors naturally fixated along the landscape that make you feel as if you are walking within a dream. Taking in the colors that surrounded me, I came across a sign that stated, “change is the only constant.” When I viewed this sign, I realized everything that I have been through and everything that is to come will always revolve around change. I am a person accustomed to change. I carry on by exposing myself to different environments and adapting to the new seasons of life that are brought my way. Yellowstone is just one of the mystifying curiosities of life that I have always been drawn to and long to witness. 


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